Solar Construction
About us
For more than 15 years we, the “TERES 33” EOOD team, have the pleasure of offering our partners and customers high quality, time-tested services.
Our main activity is the design, construction and maintenance of electrical installations and photovoltaic power plants both OFF and ON grid.
We are proud to have in our team young but extremely ambitious and competent specialists who are always ready to consult you. Whatever the nature and specificity of your questions.
Construction and Maintenance of
Electrical installations and
photovoltaic power plants

Quality Electrical installations and photovoltaic power plants

Our main activity is the construction and maintenance of photovoltaic parks and electrical networks.
We have been involved in various projects in the field of energetics and we are certainly not afraid of new challenges! They are the ones that help us acquire new knowledge and skills every day to improve and keep up with the latest technologies……….

We have the potential and the possibility to realize all your new ideas and visions regarding the expansion or optimization of the systems we have built.
Get In Touch
+22995861202 - Jivko Mihaylov - General Manager
+359879255064 - Slavomir Marinov- Technical Manager
23 Alexander Malinov Blvd. 1729 Sofia, Bulgaria office 45
Let’s Build Your Solar Contruction